It has become a routine for adults and children to take multivitamins. As children, we remember taking the Flinstones multivitamins and then Centrum as adults thinking that it was healthy. Have you ever wondered why you’re taking them? Taking a multivitamin has become a common practice that no one really stops to think about why they’re taking it. Is it to prevent disease? Or maybe you’re taking it because someone convinced you it was a healthy thing to do.
In our opinion, no one really needs a multivitamin. There will be those cases where someone is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals and might need extra supplementation but it is rare to find someone who needs every single vitamin and mineral. By having a balanced diet with protein, veggies, and fruits no one should really need a daily multivitamin because you'll get all the proper nutrition through a natural source.
A good multivitamin really boils down to the source the vitamins are from and the ingredients in them. For example, the Flinstones vitamins are catered towards children. These vitamins contain glucose syrup, sugar, gelatin, natural flavors, wheat, etc. What good is a vitamin when you’re consuming different forms of unnecessary sugar along with wheat (gluten)? Not only that, you have no idea where they are getting their sources of vitamins from. It’s safe to say that breast milk for infants and a balanced diet for kids is more than sufficient enough.
For those special instances that a multivitamin is absolutely needed, look into a whole food, organic supplement. Just to name a few brands that we recommend: Standard Process, Thorne Research, and Garden of Life are all reliable sources. It doesn’t hurt to find an Applied Kinesiology Practitioner to see where your imbalances may be so you're only taking what you need.
To sum things up, a multivitamin is not necessary for most people. In our practice, we encourage patients to eat a balanced meal, which will supply more than enough of your daily vitamins and minerals for your body. Supplementing your body with specific nutrients is not uncommon as long as it comes from a reliable source and is recommended and tested through the Applied Kinesiology technique.